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Spark ext

column_function(spark, column_obj)

Evaluates a Column expression in the context of a single-row DataFrame.

This function creates a DataFrame with a single row and applies the given Column expression to it. This is particularly useful for testing Column expressions, evaluating complex transformations, or creating sample data based on Column operations.


Name Type Description Default
spark SparkSession

The SparkSession object.

column_obj Column

The Column object or expression to evaluate.



Type Description

pyspark.sql.DataFrame: A single-row DataFrame containing the result of the Column expression.


from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions as F
spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()

Simple column expression

result = spark.column_function(F.lit("Hello, World!"))
|         col0|
|Hello, World!|

Complex column expression

import datetime
complex_col = F.when(F.current_date() > F.lit(, 1, 1)), "Future")
...                .otherwise("Past")
result = spark.column_function(complex_col)
|  col0|

Using with user-defined functions (UDFs)

from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
square_udf = F.udf(lambda x: x * x, IntegerType())
result = spark.column_function(square_udf(F.lit(5)))
|  25|
  • This function is particularly useful for debugging or testing Column expressions without the need to create a full DataFrame.
  • The resulting DataFrame will always have a single column named 'col0' unless the input Column object has a specific alias.
  • Be cautious when using this with resource-intensive operations, as it still creates a distributed DataFrame operation.
Source code in pysparky/
def column_function(spark: SparkSession, column_obj: Column) -> DataFrame:
    Evaluates a Column expression in the context of a single-row DataFrame.

    This function creates a DataFrame with a single row and applies the given Column
    expression to it. This is particularly useful for testing Column expressions,
    evaluating complex transformations, or creating sample data based on Column operations.

        spark (pyspark.sql.SparkSession): The SparkSession object.
        column_obj (pyspark.sql.Column): The Column object or expression to evaluate.

        pyspark.sql.DataFrame: A single-row DataFrame containing the result of the Column expression.

        ``` py
        from pyspark.sql import SparkSession, functions as F
        spark = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()
        # Simple column expression
        ``` py
        result = spark.column_function(F.lit("Hello, World!"))
        |         col0|
        |Hello, World!|

        # Complex column expression
        ``` py
        import datetime
        complex_col = F.when(F.current_date() > F.lit(, 1, 1)), "Future")
        ...                .otherwise("Past")
        result = spark.column_function(complex_col)
        |  col0|

        # Using with user-defined functions (UDFs)
        ``` py
        from pyspark.sql.types import IntegerType
        square_udf = F.udf(lambda x: x * x, IntegerType())
        result = spark.column_function(square_udf(F.lit(5)))
        |  25|

        - This function is particularly useful for debugging or testing Column expressions
          without the need to create a full DataFrame.
        - The resulting DataFrame will always have a single column named 'col0' unless
          the input Column object has a specific alias.
        - Be cautious when using this with resource-intensive operations, as it still
          creates a distributed DataFrame operation.
    return spark.range(1).select(column_obj)

convert_1d_list_to_dataframe(spark, list_, column_names, axis='column')

Converts a 1-dimensional list into a PySpark DataFrame.

This function takes a 1-dimensional list and converts it into a PySpark DataFrame with the specified column names. The list can be converted into a DataFrame with either a single column or a single row, based on the specified axis.


Name Type Description Default
spark SparkSession

The Spark session to use for creating the DataFrame.

list_ list

The 1-dimensional list to convert.

column_names str or list of str

The name(s) of the column(s) for the DataFrame.

axis str

Specifies whether to convert the list into a single column or a single row. Acceptable values are "column" (default) and "row".



Name Type Description
DataFrame DataFrame

A PySpark DataFrame created from the 1-dimensional list.


Type Description

If the axis parameter is not "column" or "row".


>>> spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("example").getOrCreate()
>>> list_ = [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> column_names = ["numbers"]
>>> df = convert_1d_list_to_dataframe(spark, list_, column_names, axis="column")
|      1|
|      2|
|      3|
|      4|
>>> column_names = ["ID1", "ID2", "ID3", "ID4"]
>>> df = convert_1d_list_to_dataframe(spark, list_, column_names, axis="row")
|  1|  2|  3|  4|
Source code in pysparky/
# @decorator.column_name_or_column_names_enabler("column_names")
def convert_1d_list_to_dataframe(
    spark: SparkSession,
    list_: list[Any],
    column_names: str | list[str],
    axis: str = "column",
) -> DataFrame:
    Converts a 1-dimensional list into a PySpark DataFrame.

    This function takes a 1-dimensional list and converts it into a PySpark DataFrame
    with the specified column names. The list can be converted into a DataFrame with
    either a single column or a single row, based on the specified axis.

        spark (SparkSession): The Spark session to use for creating the DataFrame.
        list_ (list): The 1-dimensional list to convert.
        column_names (str or list of str): The name(s) of the column(s) for the DataFrame.
        axis (str): Specifies whether to convert the list into a single column or a single row.
                    Acceptable values are "column" (default) and "row".

        DataFrame: A PySpark DataFrame created from the 1-dimensional list.

        AttributeError: If the axis parameter is not "column" or "row".

        ``` py
        >>> spark = SparkSession.builder.appName("example").getOrCreate()
        >>> list_ = [1, 2, 3, 4]
        >>> column_names = ["numbers"]
        >>> df = convert_1d_list_to_dataframe(spark, list_, column_names, axis="column")
        |      1|
        |      2|
        |      3|
        |      4|
        >>> column_names = ["ID1", "ID2", "ID3", "ID4"]
        >>> df = convert_1d_list_to_dataframe(spark, list_, column_names, axis="row")
        |  1|  2|  3|  4|
    column_names = enabler.ensure_list(column_names)

    if axis not in ["column", "row"]:
        raise AttributeError(
            f"Invalid axis value: {axis}. Acceptable values are 'column' or 'row'."

    if axis == "column":
        tuple_list = ((x,) for x in list_)  # type: ignore
    elif axis == "row":
        tuple_list = (tuple(list_),)  # type: ignore

    output_sdf = spark.createDataFrame(tuple_list, schema=column_names)

    return output_sdf

convert_dict_to_dataframe(spark, dict_, column_names, explode=False)

Transforms a dictionary with list values into a Spark DataFrame.


Name Type Description Default
dict_ dict

The dictionary to transform. Keys will become the first column, and values will become the second column.

column_names list[str]

A list containing the names of the columns.



Type Description

pyspark.sql.DataFrame: A DataFrame with the dictionary keys and their corresponding exploded list values.


datadict_ = {
    "key1": 1,
    "key2": 2
column_names = ["keys", "values"]
df = convert_dict_to_dataframe(datadict_, column_names)
# key1,1
# key2,2
Source code in pysparky/
def convert_dict_to_dataframe(
    spark: SparkSession,
    dict_: dict[str, Any],
    column_names: list[str],
    explode: bool = False,
) -> DataFrame:
    Transforms a dictionary with list values into a Spark DataFrame.

        dict_ (dict): The dictionary to transform. Keys will become the first column, and values will become the second column.
        column_names (list[str]): A list containing the names of the columns.

        pyspark.sql.DataFrame: A DataFrame with the dictionary keys and their corresponding exploded list values.

        ``` py
        datadict_ = {
            "key1": 1,
            "key2": 2
        column_names = ["keys", "values"]
        df = convert_dict_to_dataframe(datadict_, column_names)
        # key1,1
        # key2,2


    # Assert that the input dictionary is not empty and column_names has exactly two elements
    assert isinstance(dict_, dict), "Input must be a dictionary"
    assert len(column_names) == 2, "Column names list must contain exactly two elements"

    output_sdf = spark.createDataFrame(dict_.items(), column_names)

    if explode:
        assert all(
            isinstance(val, list) for val in dict_.values()
        ), "All values in the dictionary must be lists"
        output_sdf = output_sdf.withColumn(column_names[1], F.explode(column_names[1]))

    return output_sdf

createDataFrame_from_dict(spark, dict_)

Creates a Spark DataFrame from a dictionary in a pandas-like style.


Name Type Description Default
spark SparkSession

The SparkSession object.

dict_ dict

The dictionary to convert, where keys are column names and values are lists of column data.



Name Type Description
DataFrame DataFrame

The resulting Spark DataFrame.

Source code in pysparky/
def createDataFrame_from_dict(spark: SparkSession, dict_: dict) -> DataFrame:
    Creates a Spark DataFrame from a dictionary in a pandas-like style.

        spark: The SparkSession object.
        dict_ (dict): The dictionary to convert, where keys are column names and values are lists of column data.

        DataFrame: The resulting Spark DataFrame.
    data = list(zip(*dict_.values()))
    label = list(dict_.keys())
    return spark.createDataFrame(data, label)