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Generates a PySpark map column from a provided dictionary.

This function converts a dictionary into a PySpark map column, with each key-value pair represented as a literal in the map.


Name Type Description Default
dict_ Dict[str, int]

A dictionary with string keys and integer values.



Name Type Description
Column Column

A PySpark Column object representing the created map.


>>> dict_ = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
>>> map_column = create_map_from_dict(dict_)
Source code in pysparky/
def create_map_from_dict(dict_: dict[str, int]) -> Column:
    Generates a PySpark map column from a provided dictionary.

    This function converts a dictionary into a PySpark map column, with each key-value pair represented as a literal in the map.

        dict_ (Dict[str, int]): A dictionary with string keys and integer values.

        Column: A PySpark Column object representing the created map.

        >>> dict_ = {"a": 1, "b": 2}
        >>> map_column = create_map_from_dict(dict_)

    return F.create_map(list(map(F.lit, itertools.chain(*dict_.items()))))

join_dataframes_on_column(column_name, *dataframes, how='outer')

Joins a list of DataFrames on a specified column using an outer join.


Name Type Description Default
column_name str

The column name to join on.

*dataframes DataFrame

A list of DataFrames to join.

how str

The type of join to perform, passthrough to pyspark join (default is "outer").



Name Type Description
DataFrame DataFrame

The resulting DataFrame after performing the outer joins.

Source code in pysparky/
def join_dataframes_on_column(
    column_name: str, *dataframes: DataFrame, how: str = "outer"
) -> DataFrame:
    Joins a list of DataFrames on a specified column using an outer join.

        column_name (str): The column name to join on.
        *dataframes (DataFrame): A list of DataFrames to join.
        how (str): The type of join to perform, passthrough to pyspark join (default is "outer").

        DataFrame: The resulting DataFrame after performing the outer joins.

    if not dataframes:
        raise ValueError("At least one DataFrame must be provided")

    # Check if all DataFrames have the specified column
    if not all(column_name in df.columns for df in dataframes):
        raise ValueError(f"Column '{column_name}' not found in all DataFrames")

    # Use reduce to perform the outer join on all DataFrames
    joined_df = reduce(
        lambda df1, df2: df1.join(df2, on=column_name, how=how), dataframes
    return joined_df

split_dataframe_by_column(sdf, split_column)

Splits a DataFrame into multiple DataFrames based on distinct values in a specified column.


Name Type Description Default
sdf DataFrame

The input Spark DataFrame.

column_name str

The column name to split the DataFrame by.



Type Description
dict[str, DataFrame]

dict[str, DataFrame]: A dictionary where keys are distinct column values and values are DataFrames.

Source code in pysparky/
def split_dataframe_by_column(
    sdf: DataFrame, split_column: str
) -> dict[str, DataFrame]:
    Splits a DataFrame into multiple DataFrames based on distinct values in a specified column.

        sdf (DataFrame): The input Spark DataFrame.
        column_name (str): The column name to split the DataFrame by.

        dict[str, DataFrame]: A dictionary where keys are distinct column values and values are DataFrames.
    # Get distinct values from the specified column
    unique_values = [
        row[split_column] for row in

    # Create a dictionary to hold the filtered DataFrames
    filtered_dfs = {
        value: sdf.filter(F.col(split_column) == value) for value in unique_values

    return filtered_dfs


Unions a list of DataFrames.


Name Type Description Default
*dataframes DataFrame

A list of DataFrames to union.



Name Type Description
DataFrame DataFrame

The resulting DataFrame after performing the unions.

Source code in pysparky/
def union_dataframes(*dataframes: DataFrame) -> DataFrame:
    Unions a list of DataFrames.

        *dataframes (DataFrame): A list of DataFrames to union.

        DataFrame: The resulting DataFrame after performing the unions.
    # TODO: Check on the schema, if not align, raise error

    if not dataframes:
        raise ValueError("At least one DataFrame must be provided")

    return reduce(lambda df1, df2: df1.union(df2), dataframes)